I’m pleased and honoured to be the 2022 artist in residency with the City of Richmond and Urban Bounty. Urban Bounty is the non-profit organization selected to be in partnership with me to create a legacy project and public engagement workshops for the Richmond community.
I have the privilege to work and create art on the traditional unceded land of the Musqueam First Nation. I am acknowledging the colonial context of the Indigenous territory and the relationship between the land and the Indigenous People. I will use this opportunity to learn the history and legacy of colonialism and provide space for learning opportunities.
I will be posting workshops and artist talk events here on my blog and instagram @edjuandraws
All events will be located in the City of Richmond, almost all events have aspect taking place outside. I will be wearing mask for myself and recommend my participants to do the same. Sorry no virtual workshops! Most of my events will be posted on CreateEvent for RSVPs, as each event will be limited to participants. Though a few of them will be open to public without signup.